Showing posts with label Marney McDiarmid The Clayer E-Course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marney McDiarmid The Clayer E-Course. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Clayer E-Course

Diana Fayt bowls
I have long admired the work of Diana Fayt in San Francisco whose site I discovered her while researching for my recent study at ANU, Canberra.  Diana's style, colours and designs are very appealing to me. She seems to work hard at what she loves to great effect. While I'm already familiar with most Print on Clay techniques, when I found Diana was offering The Clayer E-Course on the topic, and knowing that distance learning works for me, I signed up.  Take a peep, it may be just the thing for you.  Apart from the benefits of learning and participating, I will make new friends and connections although I may never meet most of them.  This works fine for me too, I mean look at how we use Facebook these days, in regular contact with folk we sometimes never actually meet or speak to.  Without FB I would not have contact with some of my treasured relatives and friends around the globe, let alone all my other connections.

Marney McDiarmid
One of the other artists doing The Clayer E-Course is Marney McDiarmid, a grand Irish name (I can say that being a Dubliner) and located in Ontario.  I've been checking out her website, such loose and lovely work, maybe you should check it out too.