Friday, January 27, 2012

A good life!

So far this year has been pretty good, stifling climate aside.  For my lot this is the season of birthdays and anniversaries, they all cluster round the end of and beginning of the year, then we suffer a long drought.  This week we had my birthday, something I'd normally shrug off but it is an undeniable significant one.  I have finally embraced being able to say the F word and it isnt Forty!! It is 50, somehow easier for me use in its numerical form rather than the actual word Fif... no, can't do it. I am not a party girl, a quiet, quality dinner out works for me.  

We dined on Tuesday at Indiana, Cottesloe Beach.  I mention this for out of towners like my family in Europe so they know what I get up to.  Indiana is an iconic building right over the beach, facing onto the exquisite Indian Ocean.  The service and food were great, I'd requested a good table at one of the end windows, we enjoyed the glowing sunset, observed Perth families swimming and cavorting below us on the beach getting respite from a stonking hot day and as the GANGgajang song says 'laugh and think this is Australia'. Click Australia to hear the song.


  1. wow Elaine what a stunning place to celebrate your birthday!
    Best wishes.
    I still suffer trying to say the 50 word and dread this year when I turn 'double f!' omg how did I get to 55 so fast lol

  2. what a beautiful photo ! when i finally make it over to WA you have to take me for a paddle..and a feed..looks perfect! and well done on joining
