Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It is hard to be right all the time

Why on earth are you reading this?  Are you looking for something?  It seems to me that you probably are and that you chose to come here by subscribing or googling or clicking on a link somewhere.  For this I thank you, and I welcome you with a big warm smile.  The point is we go looking for 'stuff' on the net, for some images or written inspiration, food for thought.  We go blogging on the net to provide such things.   I've been thinking about blogs and blogging.  Some people told me recently they feel there is a lot of EGO behind a blog. Was I supposed to be affronted or put in my place?  I felt I was being criticised for my 'vanity' and for 'wasting' lots of my time.  Sheesh (rolls eyes).  Actually I am a confident woman who is computer savvy and can type as fast as I can speak - therefore very efficient in how I choose to waste MY time.  I feel most blogging stems from an intention to share and discuss things that interest or matter to a person and there are benefits.   Oh Lookee, a card from a friend and potter with whom I have developed a very fond friendship - through BLOGGING.  Do you recognise the style (hint Adriana Christianson).  I didn't ask her permission to show the card but I'm confident she'll be pleased that I kept it and that indirectly I'm directing you to her work, style and name.

I came across an interesting post on this potter's blog though, reminding me of the importance to give credit where due and with permission when sharing info about other artists. I think I'd get more bent out of shape if someone used my images or words on a blog that was monetised and allowed the blogger to derive income indirectly through using my intellectual property.  Still it is a grey area.  I may copy Jesse Lu's disclaimer - except I'd ask her first.  


  1. Don't stress Elaine, they just don't GET it.... EGO is not a dirty word....

  2. Hi Elaine, I too have had 'comments' about blogging, and questions about why I do it. We all live in an increasingly busy world, with a wider and wider reach because of the wonders of this computer age. It's an amazing reference resource that compared to my youth is awe inspiring- young adults know no different, and some take it for granted, because they grew up with it. Personally my blog is a type of diary, mainly of the ceramics section of my life- the fact that others read it and make comments is a wonderful added bonus that keeps me in touch with the wider 'clay community'- I say 'smile, and keep on blogging' cheers Lyn Cole

  3. I like that quote from the Bambi animation 'If you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all'. I was surprised at someone making time to be so petty. This thing is though, those people who make a point to be snide, are not lucky like I am, they don't have lots of 'pals'/colleagues in clay online with whom to exchange ideas and share our wins and losses. I check my bloglists a few times a week on Google Reader and learn stacks of useful stuff.

  4. AnonymousMay 22, 2012

    Hi Elaine, some folks are too silly, I like to see what people are doing with their lumps of clay, and I especially like reading about it, what else is a blog for

  5. Well thanks all, I felt a little hurt that people I sort of rated tried to make me feel foolish - and are technophobes now I think about it. I don't 'get' half of what my sons like on PS3 and Wii games etc, and I like Wood Fired and Soda fired stuff but it isn't my 'bag - but I don't go deriding folk when it doesn't interest me greatly. Better things to worry about. harumph. :>D
